"One day it occurred to me that it had been many years since the world had been afforded the spectacle of a man adventurous enough to undertake a journey through Germany on foot. After much thought, I decided that I was a person fitted to furnish to mankind this spectacle. So I determined to do it. This was in March, 1878." Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad


A Trip to the Zoo

When we moved into our apartment we were surprised to learn that there is a zoo that is only a 5-minute walk from us. I promptly decided to get a year membership, and when the apartment feels oppressingly small, Penelope and I go for a stroll around the zoo for a much needed change of scenery. Lately Penelope has been actually focusing her gaze on the animals themselves (as opposed to the ever enticing pole or rock), and sometimes even squeals in delight at the animals' antics. Here are some pictures from a trip to the zoo that we took as a family last weekend.

gorilla gazing

first experience with a petting zoo

I appreciate the effort at having the animal names and descriptions translated, but they seriously need some help with their English. Is it too much to ask a native speaker to proof-read them before they go into print?! Here is one of my favorite examples of poor translations. (I mean, can you really picture me saying, "Look Penelope! Look at that ass!")

This is my favorite part of the sign: read, "Hey Penelope, why is that ass so big and hairy?"

Penelope wore her bunny hat in honor of the bunny rabbits she hoped to see at the zoo. Unfortuantely they had already been put inside for the winter. She did get to see their distant relative--the kangaroo. She applauded their stupendous hopping ability.

camel scolding

the Anas Penelope (duck on left), not as pretty as the Kleine Penelope

family picture with the flamingos

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