"One day it occurred to me that it had been many years since the world had been afforded the spectacle of a man adventurous enough to undertake a journey through Germany on foot. After much thought, I decided that I was a person fitted to furnish to mankind this spectacle. So I determined to do it. This was in March, 1878." Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad


Rise and Shine

My dad used to wake me up in the morning by announcing:


I have no idea where he got that phrase from, but for some reason it was always easier to get out of bed when I heard my dad's voice making this bizarre proclamation.

When we first moved to Germany, when Penelope was a mere four months old, Penelope refused to sleep more than thirty minutes when she took a nap. Now, however, Penelope loves nap time. She loves it so much, that when she's still sleeping after 2 1/2 hours, I peek in her room to make sure she's okay. And sometimes when I'm tired of spending the morning waiting for her to wake up from her nap, I open the door wide open and announce, "RISE AND SHINE, DAYLIGHT IN THE SWAMPS!"

It always does the trick.

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